

2018-01-25 17:14 来源:光明网-文艺评论频道 
2018-01-25 17:14:59来源:光明网-文艺评论频道作者:责任编辑:付双祺



  蹭着播出后大火的影视作品的热度而拍摄续集的例子屡见不鲜。然而,这种做法尽管能保证较高的关注度,但续作难免会拿来和前作比较,由于前作已经成为经典,因此续作往往很容易陷入“续集坏口碑”的漩涡。 《琅琊榜1》在很多中国观众的心中,已然成为不可逾越的经典之作。不仅如此,它在国外也获得了满满的赞誉和超高的话题度。因为第一部的巨大成功,《琅琊榜2》的推出自然也吸引了很多外国观众的目光。《琅琊榜2》是否超越经典?它与《琅琊榜1》谁更好看?就在国内吃瓜群众对此津津乐道的同时,国外的网友们也正在热火朝天地讨论着。



  《琅琊榜》第一部:胡歌 饰 梅长苏

  “Few episodes in.... It's pretty good but I really don't think that liu hao ran as xiao ping jing can leave a lasting impact to the viewers as did mei chang su which is integral to the whole story. Nothing against his acting but as the main character that will mainly carry the story forward especially a heavy story such as this is such a hard task tbh I even believe that huang xiao ming is more impactful as of now”


  “for me its better executed in every way but less exciting than the first one..”


  “without Hu Ge and Wang Kai how it can be worth to watch..”


  《琅琊榜》第一部:王凯 饰 萧景琰

  “I've struggled a bit at the beginning of this drama because NIF is one of my favourite Cdramas and I couldn't stop comparing^^ ... the first episodes were really boring to me and a bit confusing as well, but now I am at ep 19 and the story is picking up. Still, I don't like it as much as NIF1. I don't crave to know what will happen next and I don't care about many of the characters. Still, it's getting better now, I think and I will stick around and see how the drama will play out :)”



  《琅琊榜》第二部:刘昊然 饰 萧平旌

  “I think it is going to be even better than NIF 1 ,plus I can see a lot of upcoming brotherly love which will make it even more emotional .but the synopsis say that older brother will get poisoned ,so he will die in the middle of drama ??? No I can't handle that please make him life till the end”


  “I like both equally (I might even like this one slightly more tbh but we'll see when it finishes airing)!! I honestly had my doubts about this one since the first one was so good, but I honestly think the two dramas can be judged separately on their own since the two dramas really don't have THAT much connection. So far, this one's really good: good story, great characters and character dynamics, good acting (much to my surprise) and cinematography and filming is as good as the first one (since same production company and all).”



  “I think I might like this one a bit better as well, just slightly.....slightly. Hahahahaha....... it’s quite hard to compare tbh. But I like this one a bit more only because the fighting is so much more intense. Each person has their like own skills that they can show off. I love it when the top fighters vs each other the most......so INTENSE! I’m glad that this drama ended up well since the first one was good and rarely the second ones can be just as good or better. So great for us!”



  “I mean, does it need to be better than NIF1?? I think we should just treat both as their own dramas and stories. I mean we can compare if we want, but if we do, we should just hope that NIF2 is as good or almost as good as NIF1, we don't need it to be better than NIF1. Just watch and enjoy!!”


  “If whoever wrote the synopsis could not find a better way to describe the story without referencing NIF and "how that happened", it can't be a good thing. They really didn't need to make this another story about an army falling to a trap setup by corrupt officials.”


  “I'm not really concerned about it being better than NIF1. NIF1 is considered the gold standard for dramas. I'm just happy that the director/writer have returned and are expanding the "universe"/world and will judge it on its own merits.”









[值班总编推荐] 高温津贴关乎底层权利伸张

[值班总编推荐] 还会有多少古城继续被淹?

[值班总编推荐] 冤冤相报何时了



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